The ISU Journal: Stereoscopy

The quarterly Journal of the ISU, Stereoscopy – the publication of 3D image-makers, is circulated to all ISU members and is considered to be an important item keeping the membership up-to-date with the Arts and Technology of 3D Imaging.

Apart from tuition in 3D photographic techniques, the Journal carries information and articles from around the world on new equipment, literature and all manner of related subjects.

Many articles are well illustrated with 3D drawings and stereo photos – and since 2007, every issue is offset-printed in full color with high-resolution photographs.

Each issue has 36 pages, which includes 32 pages plus the 4 cover pages.

Are you curious how it is all done? Producing, Printing and Mailing Stereoscopy is a truly international venture.

The current issue has the following features:

Contents include the following articles
From the ISU President & Congress ManagerDennis Boersma & Ernest van Loon
From the EditorGeorge Themelis
Member Highlight: François Lagarde
Paris 2024 Olympics in 3DPierre Meindre
Poetry in Depth: 3D Visualizations of PoetryVanessa Grein & David Kuntz
XREAL BEAM PRO reviewGert-Jan Wolkers
Stereo Club Highlight: Stéréo-Club Français (SCF)
Upcoming 3D Events
Sample Pages from Stereoscopy,
Issue 4.2024