The DGS was founded 1928 in Berlin and celebrated its 90th birthday in 2018 in Berlin. We now have about 600 members.
Meeting Locations
in several regional groups:
Hamburg, Hannover, München, Nürnberg, Rheinland (Köln), Ruhrgebiet (Bochum), Sachsen (Dresden/Leipzig), Ulm; Hunsrück, Ostfildern/Nellingen
Please find details on the DGS-website
Meetings Season
Throughout the year – see website
Annual Convention etc.
DGS Congress: usually in May, each year in a different city.
3D-Tag der DGS (Stereo Day of the DGS): mid-/late October in Hamm
For details, please refer to the 3D-Events page.
ISU Club Representative
Frank Lorenz